
Posts Tagged ‘ExWives Revenge’

Shaq & Shaunie

Shaunie is 'shocked, shocked' that her Basketball Wives might be seen as 'televised revenge' (Go, Shaunie!)

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EX-WIVES CLUB… By Elizabeth Searle

Shaq is trying to ‘block’ his ex-wife’s upcoming VH1 series, enticingly titled BASKETBALL WIVES.  Shockingly, Shaquille O’Neal seems to believe this show might take the form of ‘televised revenge.’

Wherever would he get that idea?

Face it, Shaq.  The game is up.  It’s Open Season on celebrity ‘cheetahs’ like Tiger Woods and fellow star athletes– or Mel Gibson and fellow aging-lothario actors.  The public just isn’t amused.  In our last post, we posited an end to the Diva Era– including ‘male divas’ like Tiger and co.

The free ride may be up for these guys, in the present recession-era America, fed up with excess.  Not to mention an America with a healthy (or in any case a huge) appetite for ‘televised revenge.’

Blog fave. ‘lupinssupins’ captures the mood of a nation with choice words about the latest antics of Mel Gibson:

I don’t know if Mel Gibson even qualifies as a celeb any more, but if so, he’s a nominee for disgrace, if it’s he who dumped her– That after cheating (& boozing it up) on the mother of his SEVEN in-wedlock children, whilst maintaining a fundamentalist (read whacko anti-Semite) Catholic persona, then knocking up this kid, then putting her “post-baby figure” on proud display (as in “look what I caught!”), he’d now leave HER with a 5 month old baby. What a swell guy, eh?

There’s a lot of ‘swell guys’ out there who probably don’t much like the new ‘rules of the game.’  You play, you pay.  Ex Wives like Jenny Sanford are raking in readers with tell-all books.  Even the immortal power-player Shaq can’t block his ex’s sly moves.  I for one am rooting for the Wives.  WDYT?

PS: Thanks to ANTISTAR for alerting us to ‘breaking’ news on Larry King’s break-up

(photos: freddico.com, nj.com, sallimiblogspot.com)

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